Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Amazon Spheres

The Seattle Esperanto Society recommended a visit to the Amazon Spheres in downtown Seattle. They have been here for about a year, but we had never heard of them. They are three globular "structures" of glass and steel and occupy about half of a city block. Amazon uses them as part of their office work space. They are open to the public two Saturdays per month by reservation (https://www.seattlespheres.com/). You would need to get a reservation a couple weeks in advance, since they always fill up!

The interior is mostly given over to tropical plants. We visited on a cold, cloudy day in January and had to take our coats off.

This is looking straight up one of the walls on the interior. It is a 60 foot "Living Wall" of plants. It was made off-site on wall panels and assembled in the Sphere. 

This is the same "Living Wall" from another angle.

The interior was beautifully lit and arranged. This is an area called "The Forest." It is full of orchids, ferns and other beautiful plants. It is very relaxing to walk through.

This is one of the wall plant displays. There were at least a dozen of these scattered around on walls.

These are pitcher plants. They trap insects to supply them with the nitrogen they need to grow.

This is a "Green Velvet Umbrella Plant". You are not supposed to touch any of the plants, so we don't know if it feels like velvet or just looks that way.

This is looking down into "The Forest" from one of the upper levels.

The "Birds Nest" is on the "Canopy Walk" on the third level. The entrance to the Spheres is on ground level. There are a total of four levels inside the Spheres.

This is how they keep everything so green! The temperature is maintained at 72 degrees. The watering / humidity system is computer controlled and will go off whenever needed to maintain the 60% humidity. When there are a lot of people visiting, it doesn't turn on as often. Humans breathe out about 1 liter of water a day. We had a bit of luck getting this shot. There was a line to pose in front of "the spheres" but when the misters turned on, they all scattered!

This is the "cruise lounge" on the fourth (top) level. If you are an Amazon employee, you can come up here for your daily "rest" after lunching at the coffee shop or enduring a stressful business meeting.

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