Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birds of Karachi

Enjoy the birds of Karachi! We have seen more than these, but we don't have pictures of all of them (yet!).

This is a Black Kite. They are very common and can be seen circling the garbage pits of Karachi. Don't lay down and go to sleep!
Black Kites are raptors.

This is a Hoopoe. It is one of the coolest birds we have ever seen. This one was right outside our window.

House Crow or Corn Crow. Very common, noisy and aggressive.

The Swifts swoosh around in huge flocks eating bugs at sunset.
The birds all flock into the trees at night. You can tell where they spend the night by looking at the guano patterns on the ground.

This is a female Asian Koel (Cuckoo). It took us eight months to spot it. We just kept hearing them.

This is the male. It looks like a bad-tempered crow!

This is the Mynah. You may have heard of them as being good at learning to talk like a parrot. It is a member of the Starling family.

This is the Rose-Necked Parakeet. The same bird in Saudi Arabia is called the Ring-Necked Parakeet. They are not native to the area, but so many have been brought as pets and then escaped, they are now part of the ecosystem.

This is a Red-Vented Bulbo. There is a Yellow-Vented, but we don't have a picture of it.

These two herons were posing when we visited the WWF facility at Hawks Bay (French Beach). You can find it on Google Earth by searching "hawks bay karachi pakistan".

This series of three shows one set of nesting Purple Sunbirds.

Good old Sparrow!

This last bird is the Tailor Bird. The male likes to wag its tail!
We hope you enjoyed seeing some of our birds here in Karachi!